I hope that you are well, enjoying the sunshine and getting lots of exercise.
I am sure that you know that this is the time of year that you would normally compete in your school Sports Day. However, Sports Day will be quite a lot different this year. Whether you are in school or at home, I would like you to practice and record your scores in five different activities. You will have done these in PE either with Mr Allen, or your with me, so try to remember all of the things that you have learnt.
You will be taking part in the standing long jump, throw-clap-catch, roll a ball, target throw and sprint
KS1 Virtual Sports Day event guides
So here is what you need to do:-
1. First, have a look at the cards attached to this email at the events you will be doing.
2. Perform each one without any practice at all and record your score on a piece of paper
3. Practice the activities as much as you can.
4. When you have done lots of practice, do the activity again and record your score on the piece of paper. Remember the more practice you do, the more you will improve.
5. Once you have a starting score and a final (best) score for all five activities follow the link below to send me your results. Don’t worry it is all password protected and no one else will see your scores. Here is the link https://forms.gle/7LLsaxJ4SZwo9Dw38
You will be taking part in the speed bounce, long distance run, distance throw, kick a ball and skipping.
KS2 Virtual Sports Day
So here is what you need to do:-
First, have a look at the cards attached to this email at the events you will be doing.
Perform each one without any practice at all and record your score on a piece of paper
Practice the activities as much as you can.
When you have done lots of practice, do the activity again and record your score on the piece of paper. Remember the more practice you do, the more you will improve.
Once you have a starting score and a final (best) score for all five activities follow the link below to send me your results. Don’t worry it is all password protected and no one else will see your scores. Here is the link https://forms.gle/ZyngynjRFjPodCVs9
And that is it! By taking part you are scoring lots of points for your house team in school, but you are also getting points for your school because your school is also competing against 7 other schools! You have until Friday 10th July to get your scores to me.
Top tips
If you haven’t got a ball or cones, use whatever you have at home, this can be a teddy bear, socks, washing baskets, anything that you can find to complete the activity.
If you are timing an activity you can use your phone or a clock.
Practice makes perfect so try to get as much practice as you can before you record your final or best score.
If you are stuck there are videos to show you what to do on the Lancashire School Games website, here is the link https://lancashireschoolgames.co.uk/spar-lancashire-school-games-virtual-festival-30th-june/
Most importantly, have fun and try your best.
Best wishes
Mrs E Smith
PE teacher, ESPE