A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We pride ourselves on spending our money very effectively and know that PE, sport and health is at forefront of all we do at Duke Street. 



PE & Sport Curriculum

Lancashire Scheme of Work PE Progression

KS1 PE Curriculum Map 2023/24

KS2 PE Curriculum Map 2023-2024

PE Days with Mr Allen

Monday -  Acer, Spruce

Tuesday - Rose, Tulip 

Wednesday - Sycamore, Maple

Thursday - Beech, Rowan

Friday - Poplar, Chestnut


PE kits:

PE kits consist of a white T-shirt, black shorts and pumps or black trainers and should be brought and kept in school in, ideally in small named draw-string PE bags in order to minimise the space taken up in cloakrooms or a named carrier bag. If you have already purchased a coloured t-shirt, to match the house your child is in, it is fine to send that instead of the white T shirt.


A reminder re earrings:

Earrings – Pupils should only wear small studs to school, not hoops or danglers. Ideally, earring should be removed on PE days. Students unable to remove earrings should be required to make them safe by taping, front and back, which may offer a measure of protection.  The taping should be sufficient to prevent the stud post penetrating the bone behind the ear should an unintentional blow be received (eg from someone or from equipment such as a ball). This taping may be done at home for younger children or prior to the lesson for older students. Staff are not required to remove or tape earrings for students.

Any parents considering having their child’s ears pierced should consider them being done at the beginning of the summer holidays to give the ears time to heal before the start of the new term.


Thank you in advance for your support with this matter.

PE & Sports Premium Spending Report 2023-24

PE & Sports Premium Spending Report 2022-23

PE & Sports Premium Spending Report 2021-22




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