Welcome to Redwood Class

Our class is a welcoming, nurturing classroom taught by Mrs Goodman and Mrs Reay.  Miss O'Neil is our teaching assistant every day.


Redwood Class

Mrs Reay

Mrs Reay

Class teacher Mon

Mrs Goodman

Mrs Goodman

Teacher Tues- Fri

Miss O'Neill

Miss O'Neill

Teaching Assistant






Welcome to Redwood Class! Our big focus during this half term is to make sure everyone settles happily back into Year 2 school life and the daily routines.

So that our classroom is a safe and happy place to be, we have set our class expectations, some of these are:

- Being kind

- Being resilient

- Always trying our best to be the best possible version of ourselves we can be!


What we are currently learning


In English we will be reading Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

We will be focusing on writing sentences with full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We will be expanding our knowledge of conjunctions by using 'because' and improving our sentences by adding adjectives.


We will be learning about number and place value.


We are learning about Oceans, Continents and Capital Cities. 


We will be learning about Christianity. 


We will be learning about our brain and 'Me and My Relationships'. 


We are learning about drawing. We will be focusing on Paul Caddon's work of black and white everyday drawings.


Please see the document below for an overview of the Autumn Term. 

KS1 Termly Overviews

Here are some useful websites to help with learning at home:

KS1 - England - BBC Bitesize

Super Movers - BBC Teach



Please practice basic Maths skills such as counting, representing numbers with amounts, number bonds to 10, doubles, number bonds to 20 and times table facts (x2, x5, x10, x3, x4) Playing games for these key skills in Maths at home will help your child to become more confident in Maths. 

Some useful Maths websites:

Paint the Squares - Interactive Number Charts (topmarks.co.uk)

Manipulatives - MathsBot.com

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

Your children also have a Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars login and we would strongly advise that your children access this as often as possible to build up their knowledge and fluency with their number work and times tables. 

On a Friday morning, the children are given a Superhero Maths Challenge in class (2 minutes to answer 20 questions). This is to help develop their fluency in number facts.



Please read with your child at least 3 times per week for 10 minutes per night. Your child will have 2 reading books each week, a book that is phonetically decodable and a reading for pleasure book - books are changed every Monday. The children receive house points, stamps and special prizes for reading at home. The whole class have the opportunity to win a bonus playtime if we have 100% of the class reading 3 times in a week! 

Some useful reading websites:

Phonics Play:https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk


Literacy Shed:https://www.literacyshed.com/the-ks1-shed.html 



Redwood Class Weekly Spellings

Spellings will be given out on Monday and tested on Friday each week.



PE will be on Wednesday.  Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school each week. We will send these home each half term.  Also please ensure that your child has removed any earrings.



If your child requires medical attention in school, please contact Mrs Nicholls and complete the relevant forms to keep school updated and keep your child safe in school.


If you have any worries or concerns then please feel free to speak to me on the playground in the morning or after school. The class email address is redwood@dukestreet-pri.lancs.sch.uk 

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