Geography Policy

The aim of Geography teaching, here at Duke Street Primary School is to stimulate the children’s interest and understanding of places and environments.

Through their work in geography, children learn about their local area and compare their life in this area with that in other regions in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world. They learn how to draw and interpret maps and they develop the skills of research, investigation, analysis and problem-solving. Through their growing knowledge and understanding of human geography, children gain an appreciation of life in other cultures. Geography teaching also motivates children to find out about the physical world and enables them to recognise the importance of sustainable development for the future of mankind. 


Underpinning all teaching and learning in Geography is capturing the children’s imagination and curiosity to learn. The start of each theme begins with a pre learning task to inspire and to engage the children and give them a purpose for learning and an enthusiasm to find out more.  Visits, links and comparisons with other schools around the world, and theme days are built into each unit and planned for at the start of each theme.  The skills are revisited and embedded over time to enable the children to gain a deeper understanding, to then apply these skills throughout the curriculum. 

Key Stage 1 themes:

Cycle A

Autumn: UK Countries and Capital Cities

Spring: Small Area of a Non-European Country (North America)

Summer: Fieldwork and mapping of the school grounds


Cycle B

Autumn: Small Area in the UK (weather and field work)

Spring: Hot and Cold Places, Continents and Oceans

Summer: Field work and mapping


Key Stage 2 themes:

Cycle A

Autumn LKS2 Volcanoes and locational                     knowledge                                                        UKS2 Biomes and Vegetation -                      Where our food comes from

Spring LKS2 Water Cycles, rivers and Field               work          

             UKS2 Geography of the UK and                     Fieldwork

Summer LKS2 The Coast including                                 physical and human aspects

                UKS2 South America (region e.g.                  The Amazon Basin)


Cycle B

Autumn LKS2 Region in the UK (The Lake                    District)         

                UKS2 The World's Countries and                  key features - agriculture and                        trade

Spring LKS2 Europe, Region in a European              Country                      

             UKS2 Global Aspects of Human                     Geography - Economic. Antarctica               and sustainability

Summer LKS2 Sustainability, local                                environment, field work,                                recycling and energy     

                UKS2 North America




Our Key Indicator objectives for Geography in KS1 are:

  • Investigate the world’s continents and oceans.
  • Investigate the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom.
  • Compare and contrast a small area of the United Kingdom with that of a non-European country.
  • Explore weather and climate in the United Kingdom and around the world.
  • Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to and describe key physical and human features of locations.
  • Use world maps, atlases and globes.
  • Use simple compass directions.
  • Use aerial photographs.
  • Use fieldwork and observational skills.

Our Key Indicator objectives for Geography in KS2 are:

  • Locate the world’s countries, with a focus on Europe and countries of particular interest to pupils.
  • Locate the world’s countries, with focus on North and South America and countries of particular interest to pupils.
  • Identify key geographical features of the countries of the United Kingdom, and show an understanding of how some of these aspects have changed over time.
  • Locate the geographic zones of the world.
  • Understand the significance of the geographic zones of the world.
  • Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area of the United Kingdom (different from that taught at Key Stage 1).
  • Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area in a European country.
  • Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of the human and physical geography of a region or area within North or South America.
  • Describe and understand key aspects of:
  • physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
  • mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes and the water cycle
  • human geography, including: settlements, land use, economic activity including trade
  • links and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and
  • water supplies.
  • Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied.
  • Use the eight points of a compass, four-figure grid references, symbols and keys (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build knowledge of the United Kingdom and the world.
  • Use a wide range of geographical sources in order to investigate places and patterns.
  • Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technologies.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

 We teach geography in reception classes as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. As the reception class is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, we relate the geographical aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five. Geography makes a significant contribution to the development of each child’s knowledge and understanding of the world, through activities such as collecting postcards from different places, singing songs from around the world, or investigating what makes a “good” playground.

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