We aim to provide a balanced curriculum from Foundation Stage right through to Year 6. Details of the Foundation Stage curriculum is circulated separately to parents of Reception children in the induction pack.




We publish termly overviews on our website that give an insight into our curriculum in more detail.


From Year 1 to 6 the children work on the following national curriculum subjects: Maths, English, Science, Computing (the 4 core subjects), History, Geography, P.E., Music, Art, and D.T., French is taught in key stage 2.  R.E. is taught throughout the school as is Personal Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E.) – a key area of study which is taught as a whole school themed approach and which underpins development of the school as a nurturing environment.


Parents wishing their children to be withdrawn from acts of worship, or from Sex & Relationships Education sessions, as agreed by the governing body, should make their request in writing to the Headteacher.  We follow the national curriculum.  A lot of our work to meet the needs of all pupils and is planned with skills being at the forefront. For English, we use Focus Education and for Maths the Lancashire scheme.  Further information is available on the school website.


We supplement the school curriculum with enrichment activities including trips out of school and, increasingly, by inviting appropriate visitors (experts/enthusiasts) who can significantly enrich the curriculum.

The school also provides a range of extra-curricular activities. Some activities are led by school staff and parents, others by external providers. There are some free activities and some for which extra funding is required. The activities will be for various ages and times of the year depending on the availability of staff/ instructors. This year we are planning for children to enjoy multi-skills, gymnastics, football, netball, dance, performing arts, choir, recorders, craft club, golf, creative writing, juggling, reading, science, gardening, homework club. A Sports T.A. leads a number of activities, which are free of charge.



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