Welcome to Acer Class!

Acer Class

Miss Robinson

Miss Robinson

Class Teacher

We are a very busy and creative Year 1 class!


Reading at home

Your child will bring home two reading books on a Monday and one reading book on a Friday.

Monday's books are 100% phonetically decodable. This means that they have been carefully matched with your child's phonics ability and they should be able to read these to you independently.

Friday's book is a reading for pleasure book which we would like you to read together with your child to develop a passion for reading. This is perfect for a bedtime story!

We would like your child to read at home for 10 minutes every night or at a MINIMUM of three times per week. 

Please write in your child's reading record each time you read with them. They will receive house points, certificates and prizes for reading at home!

Please send your child to school with their reading book EVERY DAY. This means the adults at school can read with your child if there is chance during the day.


PE days

Acer class have PE on Monday afternoon with Mr Allen and on Tuesday morning with Miss Robinson. 

Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school, in a named bag. Please also ensure earrings are taken out/taped up.



Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday. The children do not need to return their spelling homework sheet to school. 


Superhero Maths

Each Tuesday morning, the children are given a 'Superhero' Maths challenge of 20 questions to complete in 5 minutes. We will send the completed sheet home each week giving you the opportunity to practise with your child.


Phonics Screening Check

When your child is in Year 1, in June, they will sit the Phonics Screening Check. To find out more information about this, please click this link to look at our Phonics page...



What we are currently learning

Please see our most recent Curriculum Overview here...

KS1 Termly Overviews



Useful websites

Here are some useful websites to help to support your child with their learning in Year 1...

BBC bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p

                                                Supermovers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers

                                               Go Noodlehttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=go+noodle

                                             Numbots: https://play.numbots.com/

Reading Eggs: Learning to Read for Kids | Learn to Read with Phonics | Free Trial – Reading Eggs

Phonics Play: PhonicsPlay

Phonics Bloom: Phonics Games for the Classroom and Home - Phonics Bloom


Any questions...

If you have any questions, worries or concerns then please don’t hesitate to speak with us at the classroom or alternatively you can contact us via our class email...


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