School Uniform

The uniform is as follows: white polo shirt, red sweatshirt, cardigan, grey trousers /skirt, black shoes with low heels. Girls may wear a summer dress at the appropriate time of year. Sweatshirts with the school logo are available from Nu Uniform in Market Street, Chorley, Other local suppliers may be available too.  Polo shirts, with the logo on, can also be purchased, but plain white with no logo is fine too. Pre-loved uniform maybe available through our outreach team in school.  

PE kits consisting of named T-shirt, black shorts and pumps should be brought and kept in school in small draw-string PE bags in order to minimise the space taken up in cloakrooms. PE shirts do not need the logo on and can be bought from local supermarkets fairly cheaply. White ones or coloured ones to match their house colour can be worn. (Edinburgh: blue, Lancaster: red, Gloucester: green, Cornwall: yellow) 

No jewellery should be worn other than stud earrings or a watch. Extreme hairstyles are not considered appropriate for school. If in doubt whether a style is unsuitable, contact school prior to having the hair styled. 

Earrings – Pupils should only wear small studs to school, not hoops or danglers. Ideally, ears should be newly pierced at the beginning of the Summer Holidays to give the ears time to heal before the start of the new term. Students unable to remove earrings should be required to make them safe by taping, front and back, which may offer a measure of protection. The taping should be sufficient to prevent the stud post penetrating the bone behind the ear should an unintentional blow be received, (eg from someone or from equipment such as a ball). This taping may be done at home for younger children or prior to the lesson for older students.  Staff are not required to remove or tape earrings for students. Therefore:

Option 1:

If possible, parents should remove earrings on the day of their child’s PE lesson.

Option 2:

Tape earrings up at home, ensuring there is enough protection as detailed above.

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