Welcome to Spruce Class!
'Mistakes are proof that you are learning.'
We are a mixed year 1 and 2 class, taught by Miss Sharman.
Miss Hudson is our teaching assistant.
In Spruce class we are
- good listeners
- kind friends
- not afraid to make mistakes
- unique
We have PE every Monday. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school at all times.
Spruce Class
Miss Sharman
Class teacher
Mrs Hughes
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Turnbull
Teaching Assistant
What are we learning?
In English we will be reading Mudpuddle Farm by Michael Morpurgo.
We will be focusing on writing sentences with full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.
Our year 2 children will be expanding our knowledge of conjunctions by using 'because' to extent our sentences, and we will practice using question marks and exclamation marks.
In maths this term we will be learning about number and place value.
We will be learning about Islam.
We will be learning about our brain and how it works, as well as our relationships.
We are learning about collage.
Reading at home
Reading is so important to your child.
We ask that children read with their grown ups at least 3 times every week. This will be monitored in school.
We send spellings home every Monday. Please practice your childs spellings with them each day, ready for our spelling test on Friday.
If you have any worries or concerns please contact Miss Sharman at spruce@dukestreet-pri.lancs.sch.uk
KS1 Termly Overviews