Beech Class
Mr Hibbert
Class Teacher
Miss Pierce
Teaching Assistant
Hi everyone! My name is Mr. Hibbert and I am the class teacher for Beech class, a year 4 class. During my PPA time, Miss Parkinson takes the class (Thursday Afternoon). Miss Pierce is our teaching assistant all week.
The school will be open from 8.45am and registration starts at 8.55 am.
All children who arrive on or before 8:55 will receive a 'tremendous timekeeper' raffle ticket each day. A draw will be made every Friday with the lucky ticket drawn receiving a prize!
Children must also be on time so they can complete their Early Brid Maths and receive a sticker to collect for a reward from Mrs. Ridley. This work needs to be completed by 9am to qualify for a sticker!
If you have any worries or concerns then don't hesitate to speak to us by either making an appointment at reception or speaking with us after school at the exit door. You can also contact us by emailing beech@dukestreet-pri.lancs.sch.uk
LKS2 Termly Overviews
Beech Class Documents
Times Table practise
In year 4, the recall of multiplication facts are very important. We encourage you to practise regularly with your child, from x2 up to x12 tables. Here are some websites you could use;
The children will also be given a login and password for TT Rockstars. The website to login to is:
They can use TT Rockstars on almost every platform including IOS, Windows, Android. If you need any help, just ask!
We would like your children to read at least three times a week. Children will receive incentives and rewards for regular reading. Please actively encourage your children when reading - They will engage more if they are finding it fun. They have been given the logins and passwords from Reading Eggs for them to use at home too.
We will be sending home pre-learning work before any new topic so that the children can find any information that they want to research, bring it in, and their interests will inform our future lesson planning.
A paper copy of the weeks spellings will be given out on Monday, and tested on Friday.
Our P.E days will be on a Tuesdays and Thursdays. PE Kits are to remain in school at all times. Also make sure that your child has taken out their earrings or has tape over their earrings, if they cannot be taken out, at home.
If your child requires medical attention in school please contact Mrs Nicholls and complete the relevant forms to keep school updated and keep your child safe in school.