The role of the governing body in schools is more important now than it has ever been. Governors are people that want to make a positive contribution to the education of children and are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country. They have an extremely important part to play in helping to raise standards and are therefore absolutely key to the effectiveness of the school. At Duke Street, we are very lucky to have a group of Governors that have a wealth of knowledge and a broad range of skills which helps to support provision of strategic leadership and accountability at Duke Street.

In addition to the termly full Governing Body Meetings, the school has several smaller committees where we aim (through an annual skills audit) to match Governor skills to the various functions of the school which include:

Finance – Ensuring difficult decisions are made to balance the needs of the school with financial resources available

Staffing – Being involved in making decisions about staffing resources and being involved in making key appointments

Premises & Health & Safety – Ensuring the school is kept well maintained and compliant with H&S legislation

Standards, Effectiveness & Curriculum – Looking at pupil progress and attainment to support, which should help to identify priorities for the school improvement plan

Governors are committed to attending regular training to constantly update knowledge and increase effectiveness. They aim to support the Headteacher by being a “critical friend”, but also must be a source of challenge to make sure the children at Duke Street receive the best possible education.  Through regular walk-rounds and visits, Governors are involved in school life and try to support the many school activities and enhance the reputation of Duke Street in the wider community. In addition, another key role of the Governing Body is to make sure the school is adhering to and operating within policies and procedures.

The chair of our governing body is Mr Paul Brennan.  If you need to contact him, please send any correspondence to school and we will pass it to him.

Please find the links below to find the full list of our school governors; the committees they work with and their attendance.

Some have a special area of responsibility:

Mr P. Brennan

Chair of Governors

Chair of  Standards, Effectiveness & Curriculum

Ms K. Monks

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of  Premises Health & Safety

Mr R. Sage

Chair of Finance

Mrs C. Toward

Chair of Staffing

Mr C. Delaney

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs S. Harrison 


Mrs M. Abbott 


Mr N. West


Mrs S. Brennan


Mr A.Kidd

Mrs S. Ridley

Miss. K Parkinson

Miss L. Partington

Miss A. Pierce

Staff Governor





Governors Information


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