Welcome to Poplar Class

Poplar Class

Miss Partington

Miss Partington

Class Teacher

Mrs Steed

Mrs Steed

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Turnbull

Mrs Turnbull

Teaching Assistant (afternoons)


Hello and welcome to Poplar Class! We are a class of year 5  children taught by Miss Partington. Mrs Steed is our teaching assistant and Mrs Turnbull will join several times a week to support specific pupils in class.





PE will take place on Friday afternoons led by Mr Allen and Thursday mornings led by Miss Partington. Please ensure your child has full PE kit in school for both indoor and outdoor sessions.

UKS2 Termly Overviews


We will be continuing to learn through a story-centred approach. This term, we will be reading The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie and in Autumn 2 we will be reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. These fantastic texts will inspire our writing and help us to develop our reading skills too! Alongside this, we will have Guided Reading, Spelling and Handwriting sessions to sharpen our skills.



Children are encouraged to read widely and regularly. We expect children to read their school book a minimum of 3 times per week but more is always encouraged! Children are rewarded for each time they return their book and signed reading record, which will be checked and changed each Monday. Regular reading is an invaluable way to enhance our learning and understanding and so it is extremely beneficial. Pupils will bring home their reading records and school book each evening and must return it to school on Monday for their book to be changed and their reads to be tallied. This year, we will be asking pupils in Poplar class to bring their books in on Friday for Mrs Steed's reading cafe! Please ensure their record is signed by an adult every time they have read and let us know when your child is ready for a new book. Additionally, children are encouraged to access Reading Eggs, or another book of their choice - these can be counted towards their weekly home reads!



Spellings rules are taught throughout the week. These are based on the common exception word list for year 5 and 6.  New word lists are sent out on Monday and tested on Friday.  We will also be covering spelling rules based on the year 5 and 6 spelling curriculum. Children will be rewarded for accurate use of these spellings within their school work.




We follow the year 5  Maths curriculum with each child accessing the appropriate support, strategies and challenge according to their prior learning, attainment and year group.  We focus on one area of Maths each week and the aim is that all children have mastered this by the end of the week.  This will be through practise and consolidation activities including using pictures and resources such as place value counters. We will also complete daily 'Early Bird Maths' activities upon arrival into class. This is an invaluable time for pupils to receive extra support and enhance their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills so please ensure your child arrives punctually and ready to learn!

 It is expected that by the time the children are in year 5, that they all have rapid recall of ALL tables facts up to 12×12. Please encourage and support your child with accessing TT Rockstars to help them to practise their tables facts.



If you have any questions or matters that you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to make an appointment through Mrs Nicolls in the office or contact me on my class email address - poplar@dukestreet-pri.lancs.sch.uk

Miss Partington

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