Our intent in RE is:

To support a personal search for meaning by engaging enquiry into the question ‘What does it mean to be human?’; exploring answers offered by religions and other worldviews.

R.E. is an important part of the curriculum in our school.The teaching of R.E. gives the children the opportunity to reflect, develop and affirm their own beliefs, values and attitudes through an exploration of shared human experiences. They also look at the place of religion in today’s world.

The children study units of Christianity on the themes of God, Jesus and the Church each year. They will also have a unit on Islam and Hinduism each year. In addition to this, pupils will learn about the world religions of Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism at least once in the Infants, and again in the Juniors.

R.E. is taught throughout the school in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values and philosophy of the school.

Religious Education Policy

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