Whole School Behaviour System:

The aim of Duke Street Primary School is for every member of the school community to feel valued and respected, and for all persons to be treated fairly. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect. The school behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which the members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where all feel happy, safe and secure. The primary aim of the behaviour policy is not a system to enforce school rules but rather to promote good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. This is in line with Duke Street Primary School’s aim of becoming a nurturing school with SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) quality mark status.

Behaviour Policy

School Expectations and Rules
The school’s key rules are:
 We are kind and helpful
 We listen
 We are honest
 We work hard and take pride in our work
 We look after property








We set high expectations to all pupils at Duke Street primary School and hope to ensure consistency by using the same behaviour management system throughout the school.

We aim to build positive relationships with all pupils and parents and hope by sharing the updated behaviour management system will help to provide consistency with home / school links also.

Duke Street Primary School is a nurturing school and we work very hard as a team to ensure that individual needs are met and catered for.

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