Research has proven that use of technology brings enormous benefits to learning and teaching. However, as with many developments in the modern age, it also brings an element of risk. Whilst it is unrealistic to eliminate all risks associated with technology, the implementation of an effective eSafety Policy will help children to develop the skills and confidence to manage potential risks and considerably reduce their impact.

Our eSafety Policy, as part of the wider safeguarding agenda, outlines how we will ensure our school community are prepared to deal with the safety challenges that the use of technology brings.

Online Safety Policy

Our Vision

  • Duke Street’s vision is for all the school community to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
  • At Duke Street we use technology when appropriate to enhance the learning experience for our children and to support the daily organisation and administration tasks carried out by school staff.
  • Following the objectives in the Computing National Curriculum, we will teach the children to:

“use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact”

  • Our online safety Policy defines what we consider to be acceptable and unacceptable behaviour regarding the uses of technology in school and the sanctions or procedures to be followed should breaches of security occur. It is communicated to staff, governors, pupils and parents and is updated in light of the introduction of new technologies or incidents.

Online Safety Posters








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