Sycamore Class

Mr Stephens

Mr Stephens

Class teacher

Miss Maple

Miss Maple

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to year 5/6, Sycamore class. We are a class of year 5 and 6’s.

As a class, we are developing all of our existing skills, as well as learning new ones and will have fun on this wonderful journey. If you have any worries or concerns then don’t hesitate to speak to any of our teaching staff, we are always available to answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to see us with Mrs Nicholls at the front office. 

Your teachers in Sycamore Class this year are Mr Stephens and Miss Maple. PE is taught by Mr Allen. These are taught weekly, on a Wednesday afternoon.

UKS2 Termly Overviews

Reading at home

Children are encouraged to read widely and regularly.

We have put a system in place for reading that all children will be able to access from September. We appreciate that some children / parents prefer to have a hard copy of a book and others prefer the online platforms. Therefore, we are asking children to do both in order to facilitate the amount of reading that needs to take place during a weekly period, this continues to be at least three times a week.

Reading books are sent home on Mondays and should be returned the following Monday to be checked. Children are encouraged to mark their name on our reading chart in class each time they read throughout the week and house points can be awarded.

Your child will be sent home with a book (aimed at their reading level), starting Monday 12th September. They can enjoy this book at home until they bring it back to the school the following Monday. Once your child has read, their home reading journal needs to be signed and returned to school, so that we can make sure that they have been reading and that reading books can be changed whenever needed.

We would also like children to access reading books online using Reading Eggs. This fantastic online resource helps children complete animated online lessons, where they learn essential reading and phonics skills. The variety of fun activities within each lesson provides the repetition needed for these skills to become part of the child’s long term memory.


We are following Lancashire planning for English, which is based on the in depth study of a book. Over 5-6 weeks, the children will do lots of discussion, role play and writing based on this book.

This term, we will be reading Leon and the place between and Journey to Jo'burg.

We will also have daily grammar sessions, learning and applying the rules of language. These skills will be tested termly and will be applied within all writing sessions; home practice of these skills is encouraged.

We will also have weekly spelling sessions, that will focus on a particular spelling rule, and we will practice them throughout the week. We link our spellings to our handwriting sessions so that we can develop our spelling, handwriting and sentence structure (linking our work from our grammar sessions too). Spellings will be sent home each Monday for the children to learn throughout the week.


We follow the year 5 and 6 Maths curriculum, with each child accessing the appropriate support, strategies and challenge according to their prior learning, attainment and year group. We focus on different areas of maths throughout the year, and move on from each unit accordingly. During the Autumn term, we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fractions. These lessons will be taught through practice and consolidation activities, including using pictures and resources, such as place value counters and visual aids on our working wall.

We will also complete daily 'Early Bird Maths' activities upon arrival into class. This is an invaluable time for pupils to receive extra support and enhance their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills so please ensure your child arrives punctually and ready to learn!

Please encourage and support your child with accessing TT Rockstars to help them to practice their tables facts. (if your child needs their log in, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Stephens, via the class email)


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