
Houseteam winner of the week
This weeks housepoint winners are... Edinburgh. Well done Teams Housepoints Lancaster 1393 Edinburgh 1524 Cornwall 1423 ...

Reading Rocks Reviews KS1
The gorgeous books in the KS1 bag this time were, 'If winter comes, tell it I'm not here' by Simona Ciraolo and 'Where Bjorn belongs' by Samuel Langley-Swain. Millie and Theo both really enjoyed these books and their beautiful illustrations.

Reading Rocks Book Reviews UKS2
These were the books contained within our UKS2 subscription bag and they were reviewed by 2 year 6 pupils. Evie reviewed 'The girl, the ghost and the lost name' and she says "I love this book. I think it's so creative since they put some unusual parts in but it's amazing"...