Welcome to Chestnut Class.





Chestnut Class

Mr Mellor-Clark

Mr Mellor-Clark

Class Teacher

Mrs Sedgwick

Mrs Sedgwick

Teaching Assistant



UKS2 Termly Overviews

Hello and welcome to Chestnut Class.  We are a Year 6 class that is working very hard to make the most of an important school year whilst enjoying our remaining time at Duke Street.

Our teaching team includes Mr Mellor-Clark (Classroom Teacher) and Mrs Sedgwick (Teaching Assistant), as well as Mr Allen who delivers our PE lessons on a Thursday afternoon.

In our final year at Primary School, we are reinforcing our existing learning as well as developing new knowledge and skills in order to best prepare ourselves for life after Duke Street.


In English, we will be continuing to learn through a text-centred approach. Throughout the Autumn term, we will be focusing on ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Graeme Baker Smith followed by ‘Journey to Jo’burg’ by Beverly Naidoo. We will utilise these great texts to develop our reading and writing skills as well as explicit Spelling, Handwriting, Guided Reading and grammar-based sessions to supplement and further our learning. Each week, we formally assess spelling, focusing on a particular rule, pattern or set of words outlined in our English curriculum. Home practise of all of these skills to reinforce learning is always encouraged.

Additional Reading

Like in all our classes at Duke Street, in Chestnut Class, we encourage our pupils to read regularly and widely. We recommend that our children read at least 3 times a week, but more will always help to further develop language skills (as well as bringing more enjoyment). Our children visit the school library on a weekly basis (Monday) and are provided with a reading record to track and demonstrate their progress. We ask the that the parents and guardians of our pupils support this initiative by signing their child’s record after each time they have read. In addition to this, our pupils also have access to Reading Eggs; a fantastic online reading programme that offers lots of interesting and entertaining texts.


We follow the Year 6 Maths curriculum, with each child accessing the appropriate support, strategies and challenge, according to the level of their current learning and attainment. Throughout the school year, we focus on different areas of Maths (separated into units) and establish connections to further reinforce these areas of learning. During the Autumn term, we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. These lessons will be taught through practice and consolidation activities, including the use physical apparatus as well as interactive and print-based resources.

In addition to this, each day our pupils complete ‘Early Bird Maths’ activities upon their arrival to class. This is an excellent opportunity for the children to enhance their fluency and reasoning skills as well as receive extra support where necessary.

It is expected that by the time the children are in Year 6, they can demonstrate rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12x12. To support this learning, we encourage our pupils to regularly access Times Table Rockstars. A great online platform to practise times table facts.



If you have any questions or matters that you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to make an appointment through Mrs Nicolls in the office or contact our teaching team through our class email address - chestnut@dukestreet-pri.lancs.sch.uk


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