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  Welcome to Rowan Class- Autumn 2024

Rowan Class

Mrs Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Class teacher

Mrs N Billington

Mrs N Billington

Teaching Assistant

Our class is a year 3/4 mixed age class and is taught by Mrs Robinson.   Mrs Billington is our teaching assistant. Mr Burckhardt will be working with specific children in our class throughout the week.

Mr Allen and Mrs Billington cover PPA on a Thursday afternoon and they teach PE, handwriting and RE.  Your child may also work with Mrs Haddon or Mrs Gell from our nurture room or Emma, Rachel or Natalie from our outreach team.

Full school uniform should always be worn. This consists of a white polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt. A red jumper and black shoes should also be worn. Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child's name.

Our PE days are on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school all the time. This should be a plain white t-shirt or group colour t-shirt and black shorts. Pumps or trainers should be provided. In cooler months, children may wish to wear black jogging bottoms and a black fleece jumper. Ear rings should not be worn on PE days and long hair should be tied back.

Drinking water is available, however a water bottle may be brought to school containing plain water only.

Children should read at home at least 3 times per week at home. Reading diaries should be signed by parents and books and diaries should be brought to school on a Monday to be changed. As the children reach the juniors, they should be reading for pleasure and developing a love of books. Please support your child in finding a genre that they really love. Children will have opportunity to read during ERIC time in class where we have an extensive library to choose from. Reading widely helps to develop a child's creativity, helps them to become more flexible in life, helps them to develop greater vocabulary for reading and much more! Regularly reading helps to improve assessment scores too in all subjects.

Children should practice times tables for 10 minutes each day so that they become fluent in this knowledge. Practicing on TT Rock stars will help with this. 

Children will receive weekly spellings on a Monday that will be tested on a Friday. Please practice these daily. 

Please see below for our Autumn term overview of what will be happening in our class this term. 

Rowan Class documents

LKS2 Termly Overviews

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