Welcome to Tulip Class

                                        Our class motto is… “I can” We can achieve anything – as long as we try!                    

                       A group of pink flowersDescription automatically generated with medium confidence                   







We are a very busy and creative Reception classroom

Our school day starts at 8.45am - 3:05pm. 


Tulip Class

Mrs Ainsworth

Mrs Ainsworth

Class teacher

Miss Power

Miss Power

Teaching Assistant

EYFS Termly Overviews

Reading at home

Your child will bring home two reading books. One is 100% phonetically decodable which has been carefully matched with their phonics ability and they should be able to read this to you independently. The second book is a reading for pleasure book which we would like you to read together with your child to develop a passion for reading.

We would like your child to read at home for 10 minutes every night or at a MINIMUM of three times per week. 

Please write in your child's reading record each time you read with them. They will receive house points, certificates and prizes for reading at home!

Please send your child to school with their reading book EVERY DAY. 'Decodable' books will be changed on Monday and 'Reading for pleasure books' will be changed on Friday.

 Here is a link to a video with some guidance on how to support your child with their home reading...


Tuesday's - P.E / Forest School

Every Tuesday the children will take part in PE or Forest school. Please make sure your children have a PE bag in school with clothing names and a pair of wellies so they can take part. School will provide waterproof clothing.



Continuous provision

Continuous provision is the children's opportunity to learn through play. The classroom and outdoor environment are set up to ensure that children are able to initiate and explore activities whilst learning and developing key academic, social and physical skills. During continuous provision, the adults role is to ensure that play is purposeful and to challenge the children's thinking. If you have any spare items such as bottle tops, cardboard boxes for our creative area please bring them in.

Outdoor learning

Our classroom door is open during continuous provision to enable free-flow between the classroom and the outdoor area. During the winter months, please make sure your child has a warm coat, hat, gloves and scarf. If you would like your child to have a pair of wellies at school, please bring them in a labelled bag. During the hotter months of the year, please ensure that you apply sun cream to your child before the start of the school day.


Any questions...

If you have any questions, worries or concerns then please don’t hesitate to speak with us at the classroom or alternatively you can contact us via our class email...


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