21 May 2019
This week the children are learning about the impact on our planet that plastic pollution has. We are learning about reducing the amount of single use plastic that we use.
- The Green Team would like to thank all our families for the support shown during our recent Waste Week. The children took part in some thought provoking learning focused on the environmental pollution caused by single use plastics. There have been some excellent persuasive letters written to our fruit supplier, supermarkets and fast food chains to encourage them to reduce their use of single use plastics. We look forward to seeing if we receive any replies.
- A fantastic reduction of lunchbox plastic waste also took place during the week. (single use plastic waste down from 2200g to 1000g) This showed how well the learning in our classrooms was being shared with families at home.
- Well done to all the children who completed a poster for the Asda PI club competition. These entries will be sent off next week so please send in any remaining entries by Monday.
When you next visit the school hall, have a look at our Save Our Seas plastic bottle top collage. Mr Stephens and his crew of many helpers have worked very hard on constructing this. It will serve as a permanent reminder of the need to continue to reduce our single use plastic waste.