The winning streak continues…..
October 16th- we competed in the boys football competition held at All Saints, we played 4 matches against the other schools in our cluster. We won 3 and drew 1, the boys that were selected have never played together as a team but each and everyone of them were magnificent tonight! Man of the match was Anthony Croasdale
Cross Country
We attended the Year 3/4 cross country competition with 30 of our children (boys/girls). They ran 4 laps around the school field (which is equivalent to half a mile) Majority of them would not have run a distance like that before and some found it very tough, but all completed the race and the resilience was fantastic.
Jodie Rintoul who won gold 2 weeks ago at the year 5/6 cross country did it again last night, she led from the start and no one was ever going to catch her. Amy Hart came 3rd and won bronze, Ava Tonge came 4th.
Cross Country 10/2018
Well done to our year 6 leaders who did a fantastic job help manage scoring and showing the parents and the other schools to their right places. One of the other schools parents even gave the girls a compliment saying how well mannered they were.