Dear Parents


We have made a few adjustments to the KS1 queuing system for drop off and pick-ups to allow more space for parents passing the pram store outside the neighbourhood centre. From tonight, we are asking parents of Acer, Redwood and Spruce classes to queue behind the back of the hall near the kitchen during their designated pick up and drop off times, rather than queuing towards the neighbourhood centre. There will be markers in place to show you where to stand.  The area outside the neighbourhood centre should now be free for KS1 families entering and leaving school.


We ask that all parents please stick to their class times for drop offs and pick ups to prevent early arrivals waiting on site or around entrances as this is causing congestion. Any parents who arrive before their pick-up or drop off time will need to wait outside school away from where other classes are queuing.


Drop off and pick up times are as follows:


Entry Point                                                   Class               Start               Finish  

1 Hall (Bin store side)                                   Rose                8.55                2.55 

1 Hall (Bin store side)                                   Tulip                9.05                3.05 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)              Acer                8.55                2.55 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)              Redwood        9.05                3.05 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)              Spruce            9.15                3.15 

3 Canopy gate                                               Maple             8.55                2.55 

3 Canopy gate                                               Elder               9.05                3.05 

3 Canopy gate                                               Rowan            9.15                3.15 

4 Main entrance                                            Willow            8.55                2.55 

4 Main entrance                                            Poplar             9.05                3.05 

4 Main entrance                                            Sycamore       9.15                3.15             



We appreciate your co-operation with this as we adjust the new routines to make the start and end of the day as safe and as stress free as possible for everyone. Please also remember to keep socially distant.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Ridley