Dear Parent / Carer, 

School Opening Tuesday 1st September 

We hope you were able to have some relaxation and quality family time over this extraordinary summer. We are setting out a reminder of some previously announced arrangements, together with some updated and new information. 

As indicated before the school year ended, we are opening the school using a “full class bubble” system, as part of a risk assessed plan for safer opening. A “bubble” is a group of children who keep together, as much as possible, as an isolated group from other bubbles. Class bubble sizes are no more than 30 in KS1 and around 33 in KS2. As per the national guidance, from Year 1 upwards, children will be sitting in forward facing rows. 

Staggered Start /Finish Arrangements 

As per government advice, we are operating a staggered start system, which will be kept under review. Older siblings will be able to leave with their younger siblings, at the younger child’s exit point and time.  (Parents of Reception children need to refer to separate information regarding the dates/times of starting.)  Hand sanitiser will be used by all children, on entry to the building and at regular times during the school day. 

Each class is assigned a specific entry point and specific start and finish times, as follows:  

Entry Point                                                   Class               Start               Finish  

1 Hall (Bin store side)                                   Rose                8.55                2.55 

1 Hall (Bin store side)                                   Tulip                9.05                3.05 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)          Acer                8.55                2.55 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)         Redwood        9.05                3.05 

2 Hall (Neighbourhood centre side)          Spruce            9.15                3.15 

3 Canopy gate                                               Maple             8.55                2.55 

3 Canopy gate                                               Elder               9.05                3.05 

3 Canopy gate                                               Rowan            9.15                3.15 

4 Main entrance                                            Willow            8.55                2.55 

4 Main entrance                                            Poplar             9.05                3.05 

4 Main entrance                                            Sycamore       9.15                3.15                             

School Hall Breakfast Club 

Although we have no breakfast club  in the hall this term, there will be a  free “Grab and Go” system, which will be in place, with fruit and  toast  available for the children to collect and eat on their way to their classrooms. These “Grab and Go” stations will be set up for the children to access on entering the school premises at their allotted start times (see above). 

 School Dinners 

These remain free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. School dinners (initially, a selection of sandwiches, pizza, cheese whirl / sausage roll, fresh fruit etc). will be served and eaten in the classroom, supervised by their class teachers. The hall will not be used for school dinners.   

Children who bring their own packed lunch boxes should bring it in a carrier bag.  (ie the food can be in a packed lunch box and the box is then put in a carrier bag) 


Children will be provided with their own cup for drinking water, through the day. Drinking bottles should not be brought into school. 

 School Bags etc 

To reduce risk of contamination we want to minimise items brought into school. Unless your child brings in their own school lunch, they should not bring in any other bag. The school will provide pencils etc. The exception to this rule, is that on the first day of term, a carrier bag should be brought in, for children to put in exercise books from last year, which they can take home. 

Children will not be permitted to bring mobile phones to school.   

 School Uniform/clothing 

Children will be expected to wear school uniform, apart from the days when they do PE, in which case they should come to school in their PE kit (PE days will be announced shortly.  No one has PE on 1st September).  We are planning for KS2 children to take their coats into their classrooms, to avoid congestion in cloakroom areas. 


Nationally, there is no expectation for primary aged children to wear face coverings in school.  It is generally considered inappropriate for children of this age. 

Summer holiday work.  

Work completed for the “All About Me” project, should be completed and sent via email to your child’s new teacher by the end of the summer holiday.   Preview work shared by class teachers, can still be sent in by email or via our learning platform “Seesaw”.   

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back and we acknowledge that whilst most children will be excited to return, there may be some children, and parents, who are anxious about the return, having been away from school since March.  It is quite natural to have these mixed feelings.  We are doing all we can to make school as safe as possible. If you are concerned about aspects of this, please email school, or contact Emma Robinson, in our outreach team, who is available on 07557 030848. 

Kind regards 

A.W. Kidd 

S. Ridley 


Duke Street Primary School